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New Academy Skintones Tin!


New Academy Skintones Tin!

Skintones and textures can be hard to draw and paint as no two faces are the same. To help aspiring portrait artists develop and improve their skills Derwent Academy has put together a specially selected tin of 12 Derwent Academy Watercolour Pencils which when mixed and blended together will create a wide range of multicultural skintones.

Skintones and textures can be hard to draw and paint as no two faces are the same. To help aspiring portrait artists develop and improve their skills Derwent Academy has put together a specially selected tin of 12 Derwent Academy Watercolour Pencils which when mixed and blended together will create a wide range of multicultural skintones.

To accompany the launch of the new Derwent Academy Watercolour Skintones tin and to help artists hone their techniques further Derwent Academy commissioned Jenny Hill, professional pencil artist and tutor, to create 3 step by step projects featuring portraits of an Oriental girl, an African lady and an elderly gentleman. In the projects Jenny demonstrates how to use the watercolour pencils in different ways from dry pencil and washes to dampening large areas of dry colour with a flat watercolour brush to successfully blend the colours to create new tones and shades. The projects are free to download from the drawing projects section at