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Life needn’t always be so busy. Now that you’re here, forget the clock on the wall and be mindful of the world around you. Set your watch to ‘me’ time, and get creative with Derwent Line Makers.

These superfine, free-flowing fine liners deliver a consistent line that’s ideal for both drawing and writing. Containing permanent, fast-drying pigment ink, their intense colour dries quickly and, once dry, will not move.

For some inspiration, here’s how other artists use Derwent Line Makers and some of the pieces they’ve created…

1. Illustration by Carly Zandstra 

Instagram: @Carly.Zandstra.Artist

Who knows why putting pen or pencil to paper is so good for creating mindful moments, but Derwent knows how. Creating a simple graphic representation of something on paper, then adding as much or as little detail as you like is incredibly relaxing – as illustrator, Carly explains in three easy steps.

Step 1

Step 1

After sketching out my drawing in pencil, I used a 0.3 black Line Maker to outline the main forms. At this stage I focus on balancing the composition, and don't add any shading or details.

Step 2

Step 2

I use 0.3 and 0.5 graphite and sepia Line Makers to lay down the parts of the drawing I want to highlight in these colours. After doing this, I use the 0.05 and 0.1 pens to add shading and patterns where needed. I leave the main image of the butterfly simple at this stage.

Step 3

Step 3

When I have my colours established, I focus on the smaller details using black, sepia, and graphite pens in 0.1 and 0.05. To highlight the butterfly, I used soft lines to contrast with the stronger lines of the surrounding patterns.



2. Bullet Journalling by Minnie Small

Instagram: @SemiSkimmedMin

Bullet journalling strikes a great balance between creativity and practicality – in a way that fits each and every person and their own unique style. It’s all about putting your personality on the page as Minnie explains:

"There’s so much fun in creating new symbols and shaping your journal and I hope my image can inspire the first steps in what is a limitless world of sketching and planning."

Bullet Journalling

Bullet Journalling

Organise, plan and remind yourself in a creative way!

3. Hand-lettering by Rebecca Cahill Roots

Instagram: @BettyEtiquette
Odd that in this digital age, nothing beats sending or receiving a letter. Derwent Line Maker pens are really versatile for hand-lettering. Use the strong black in various widths or add pops of colour – and create something refreshingly exciting to post through your family or friend’s letter box.
Here, Betty’s created bold floral lettering to highlight the name and key message, then coupled it with a different lettering style to add to the composition. We’ll let her tell you how:

Step 1

Step 1

Using a pencil, mark out a faint central vertical and horizontal line on your envelope or letter and lines for your lettering. Write your chosen large words in the space you’d like to fill, adding a second line to the down-stroke section of the letter to create a thick line on the left side of the letter. Sketch a small floral motif across all the letters in the same place. Here, I’ve chosen to place them centrally.

Step 2

Step 2

Using a size 03 black Line Maker, carefully go over all the pencil lines including the flowers.

Step 3

Step 3

Pick a colour to use in the main section of each letter. Colour the top of the shape in solid colour then create a graduation of colour by using a crosshatching technique (little lines drawn at right-angles to each other). Choose a different colour to highlight leaves and add pattern details to the edge of the paper.

Step 4

Step 4

Use different styles of writing for the remaining section of the letter and address on the envelope to bring the whole composition to life. Give your pens time to dry before rubbing out the pencil marks then pop it in the post and see how it makes someone’s day to receive it!